First Steps in Mastering the mind
Attention Economy: The MYTH of multitasking and TWO rules to become more efficient. In the previous article (Mindless in the workplace: have you P.A.I.D. the price?) we focussed on the notion that we (humans, people…workers) develop automaticity towards indulging, often without conscious awareness of it, in increasing levels of distracting thoughts, conversations, images, memories and many more expressions of the mind’s ‘doing-for-its-own-sake’ clutter. We also established that, generally speaking, the trend in the workplace has been one of increasingly spending time trying to catch-up on infinitely growing TO-DO lists, feeling less productive over time, leading to needing to spend more time working (or working faster then usual – right?) and therefore to ever-so tightening deadlines – in turn leading to reduced productivity and greater stress about...