
Welcome to JSYIMC

JsyIMC’s mindfulness consultants are always educated at Doctoral level and/or have full accreditation, practice and continued professional development in line with UK recommended standards

+44 1534852953


***2018 News***

Thank you to all our followers, clients and supporters who believe and experience the various benefits of evidence based, modern western mindfulness in their work, lives, relationships and performance. The whole JsyIMC team (all of whom have experienced the benefits) are ever so grateful for your support this year. Also, we are really pleased to share some great news: - This year we have been fortunate enough to develop our corporate, athletes, C-Suite and Government provision which have enabled us to consult, formally evaluate and deliver or schedule delivery of mindfulness in various contexts including stress, leadership, workplace, persistent pain and fatigue and at all levels in organizations. - We have developed and provided seminars, masterclasses, workshops and exhibits in the Channel Islands, UK and even Dubai this...


‘Training the Brain’ – With appropriate approach and intentional posture

Being a lover of exercise (never used to be in my younger years) I find myself often comparing mindfulness with exercise, which I believe often serves as a very useful metaphor. For instance, just like exercise, mindfulness meditations require repetition: practising regular meditation gives us an opportunity to rehearse and repeats a different way of interacting with our sensations, thoughts and emotions (and with their constant wave-like fluctuation). This allows us to develop improved 'precision' awareness, detecting change and therefore, gives us the ability to choose responding to that change in a more open, gentle and compassionate way. When we do this, we begin to shift behaviour from body to our Main Storage (the brain), via our carriers of information (neurotransmitters) and begin to change habits...


‘Quick Fix’ mindfulness? A Clinical Psychologist’s reflection.

During an 8-year long process to become a U.K. Chartered Clinical Psychologist (a psychologist specialising in all forms of significantly impairing psychological distress), I had the opportunity to develop academic, research and psychological therapy skills with  diverse presentations ranging from anxiety, depression and panic (basic work for psychologists), and up to complex traumas, physical and health difficulties.  The work of a clinical psychologist very much entails being an expert 'engineer' with complex understanding of how the mind works, sharing that understanding with sufferers and then tailoring appropriately thought-through psychological therapy packages for the individual or system, supposedly based on evidence base therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapies, more traditional psychodynamic or analytic Therapies and the like. Since  qualifying in 2008, I had a further 9 years experience...


Mindfulness in the Workplace: K.I.S.S. it for a week!

Whilst practicing mindfulness proficiently may mean becoming armed with a good depot stocked with mindfulness theory, a good dosage of meditation practice, as well as regular ongoing mindfulness-based routines, just like any other gym workout, awareness and focus practice alone, will not change your life but will rather act as preparation to run the life, work, exams or everyday ‘marathons’ and ‘sprint’ of life. As such, it will not pay dividend even to the most consistent, driven and practice-attuned meditator if all their practice is on the mat, stool or still with their eyes closed in their quiet spot, meditation hall or mindfulness class. On the contrary, it may lead them to practising only in ‘compartments’ and, therefore, not  transferring their practice to everyday life. On a...


Sharp Focus and Open Awareness

Building up the Foundations of Mindfulness: Sharp Focus and Open Awareness In the previous article (Mindless in the workplace: have you P.A.I.D. the price?) we focussed on the notion that we (humans, people…workers) develop automaticity towards indulging in increasing levels of distracting thoughts, conversations, images, memories and many more expressions of the mind’s ‘doing-for-its-own-sake’ clutter. We also established that, generally speaking, the trend in the workplace has been one of increasingly spending time trying to catch-up on infinitely growing to-do lists, feelings of decreased productivity (over time), leading to needing to spend more time working (or working faster than usual as a compensatory strategy). We concluded by proposing that becoming a ‘human doing’ (…as opposed to ‘human being’) seems the only possible solution but typically means we would...
